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Nineteenth-century sailing ships displayed their names on decoratively carved and painted signs called quarterboards. When a ships captain retired and went ashore he’d acquire the quarterboard and place it on his house for all to admire.   Many of the hundreds of quarterboards now gracing the homes on the seafaring island of Nantucket came, not from old ships, but from the workbench of Halifax resident Nicholas Lonborg.

  Kay Moran, Daily Hampshire Gazette 11/20/97

Quarterboard Ends

Unfinished Quarterboard Special  $175     

Sampson carved quarterboard, quarterboards, Nantucket quarterboard, wood signs

Murhpy carved quarterboard, quarterboards, Nantucket quarterboard, wood signs
Langell carved quarterboard, quarterboards, Nantucket quarterboard, wood signs
Murphy carved quarterboard, quarterboards, Nantucket quarterboard, wood signs
Washington D.C. carved quarterboard, quarterboards, Nantucket quarterboard, wood signs

Santosha carved quarterboard, quarterboards, Nantucket quarterboard, wood signs

Boston carved quarterboard, quarterboards, Nantucket quarterboard, wood signs

Portland carved quarterboard, quarterboards, Nantucket quarterboard, wood signs
Five carved quarterboard, quarterboards, Nantucket quarterboard, wood signs


For the Logistics of speed I have split the quarterboard gallery into six pages.

If you have a high-speed connection and you want to view all quarterboards at the same time click on All Quarterboards

Page 1

Page 2

Page 3

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Page 6

Once used to adorn our early sailing ships, the quarterboard is now a distinctive New England Tradition. All quarterboards are hand carved from  Eastern White Pine or Mahogany. The finishing process which requires five coats of oil paint with lots of sanding and steel wooling is the secret to the smooth glossy finish.  Then each quarterboard is gold leafed by hand and lined for the sharpest of contrast and lasting

Your idea for a quarterboard End is always welcome.

Commercial Signs Quarterboards Student Works Eagles & Whales Art Gallery



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Number  Signs

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Knife sharpening

Patterns & Instructions

Residential signs

soon to come

Scituate, Mass

Nantucket, Mass

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568 Plymouth Street ~ Halifax MA. 02338

Tel: (617) 947-1186



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